Every Sunday Aug. - Sept.: 9am and 10am

We believe that music is a gift of grace given to the body of Christ. It is not an add-on to our gatherings. It is a vital, life-giving, fruit-bearing part of what we do as believers!
Our mindset concerning music in the church can be broken down into 3 main words:



Doctrine is the instruction and confirmation of what we believe concerning Scripture and the Gospel. All that we sing must be doctrinal. This is not a rule created within our offices or our denomination. We deeply believe that singing doctrinal music is a vital, biblical, necessary command of the Lord God for all the people of God. The doctrines of the faith anchor, feed, protect and sustain us. Each time we sing together as a church, we seek to melodically affirm the truths of God's word before the Pastor stands to preach.


Jesus Christ and the Gospel of his life, death, burial and resurrection are what we direct all of our praise to. He and he alone is the theme of our song. Our crowns are cast at his feet. Our voices are lifted to him, for him and about him. Our songs should never be directed inward. Our feelings are fleeting. Our environments change. Our situations ebb and flow. But Christ never changes. He is our anchor-our lighthouse-our refuge in every storm and in every season. Our eyes remain solely focused upon the once crucified, always risen Christ.


Many people seek to label or define music within the church. We ask ourself 3 major questions when choosing the music we sing when we gather together:

  • Is it Christ-exalting?
  • Is it doctrinally sound?
  • Is it singable? Basically, can the entire church sing it? We believe older and younger saints of God should sing and rejoice together! If we introduce a new song, we teach it first, then sing it corporately. 

There are tremendous songs that were written hundreds of years ago that have been bedrock, foundational hymns of our faith for generations! We sing those, teach those to our children and rejoice in the truths found therein. But we also understand that God is still writing incredible lyrics and melodies today. Music is transcendant. God is moving through music in every generation! We celebrate and sing both old and new songs that draw souls to Jesus Christ and his eternal word.