- 10:00am: Small Groups
- 11:00am: Worship Service
- 5:45pm: Free, Home-cooked Meal in the FLC
- 6:45pm: Adult Prayer and Bible Study in Main Auditorium
- 6:45pm: Kids Group in KidsWing
- 6:45pm: MTC Student Ministry in the FLC
CHECK our Facebook Page before you visit to make sure there's no weekly/current changes!
Why We Gather
It is the will of our God that Christians gather together on a regular basis. Here at Wayside, we strive to gather at least 3 times a week. During these times, we sing scriptural songs that stir and bolster our faith. We share burdens with one another through prayer. We serve one another through volunteering. We support the work of the Gospel through our giving.
Most importantly, we strive to place a premium on the word of God. From the youngest child in attendance to the oldest person amongst us, we believe it is absolutely imperative that everyone hear from the word of God. We preach expositionally through the Bible, breaking down passages and books of the Bible verse by verse, line by line. We believe this gives us the best chance of preaching the whole counsel of God.
In all we do, it is our chief desire to bring glory to Christ and Christ alone.
Sundays at 10:00am
During this time we meet in small groups for a time of fellowship. All of our small groups are, split according to age, allowing those who attend to meet and grow with those in the same season of life.
Kid Small Groups in the KidsWing:
- Pre-K - Kindergarten: Debbie Spanton + Vickie White
- 1st - 2nd grade: Maddy Lavender + Samara Little
- 3rd - 5th grade: Donna Knight + Peggy White
Student Small Group in the FLC:
- 6th - 12th grade: Nick + Emily Wynn
Adult Small Groups:
- 20s - 30s: Ben + Krista Ham in the FLC
- 30s - 50s: Levi + Logan Smith in the FLC
- 55+: Ron Spanton in the Main Auditorium
Sundays at 8:30am + 11:00am
We have two identical services where we meet for corporate worship. Our goal during corporate worship is to point those in attendance back to Scripture and the Gospel of Jesus. His death and resurrection is what gives us reason to sing and preach!
During the services, nurseries for newborns - 3 years old are also provided, and a dedicated Comfort Room is provided for mothers with small babies.
During the 11:00am service, we have age-appropriate Bible classes for kids ages 4 years old - 5th grade.
Wednesdays at 6:45pm
Our midweek fill-up service is a time to take a break from the chaos of another week to rest and study the truths of God's word. For about an hour, we have a special time of hearing from God's word and sharing a meal together.
During this time, have age-appropriate Bible classes for kids ages 4 years old - 5th grade. Nurseries for newborns - 3 years old are also provided, and our Comfort Room is open. Students (6th - 12th grade) meet at that time as well!